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Case Study: GGTip

Case Study: GGTip
Web Address: www.ggtip.com
Date of Website: July 2004
Package: Business Package
Extras: Content Management System

GGTip is run by a man who makes his living by betting on horses. He wanted a website which would allow him to share these tips with like minded people.

GGtip indends to start charging for its services once a large enough group of users are registered, until then they needed a way of users to make donations.

A database driven website was created which included our content management system. This allowed GGtip to update their tips database many times a day. Previous results were stored and analysed to give visitors an idea of their success rate.

Visitors were required to register before they could recieve tips. This allows GGTip to build up a community of users.

Until the site starts charging for subscriptions, a PayPal Donation button has been integrated to allow users to make volentary donations to cover the running costs of the webstie.

If this scenario sounds like your business then please contact us and we would be happy to discuss your requirements.

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S a m p l e   W e b s i t e
Marina Alhambra

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