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Developer Articles: Function to Replace noise words in a search string.

When running a search on a full text indexed file in Microsoft SQL Server, an error will occur if any of the words searched for are 'noise' words. These are words that Microsoft consider to be too common to be worth searching on. Rather like if you search google for 'the' or 'it'.

The function below reads in a list of noise words from a text file, checks them against the search string and returns the search string with the noise words. To get the noise word text file, just copy the file called 'noise.eng' or 'noise.enu' (eng is for english words, see other extensions for other languages.) This file can be found in something like:
<Program Files path>\Microsoft SQL Server\Tools\FTDATA\SQLServer\Config\

Useage: Call this function using the following syntax:
strMyCleanSearchString = ClearNoiseWords(strUserSearchString)

' ##############################################################
' ##  ClearNoiseWords                                         ##
' ##  Author : Andy Sheel - http://www.hexdesign.com          ##
' ##  Date   : 27/04/04                                       ##
' ##  Licence: Free (GNU) but keep this message               ##
' ##                                                          ##
' ##############################################################

Function ClearNoiseWords(SearchString)

	Dim CleanedString	' String to hold cleaned search terms
	Dim searchArray		' Array to hold Search Terms
	Dim NoiseArray()	' Array to hold Noise Words
	Dim objFSO 		' FileSystemObject
	Dim TS 			' TextStreamObject
	Dim strLine 		' local variable to store Line
	Dim strFileName 	' local variable to store fileName
	Dim ArrayPointer, i, j	' int's to hold array pointers
	Dim CurRecords

	Const ForReading = 1
	Const Create = False
	ArrayPointer = 0

	' Noise Word File
	' Change this to where your noise file is.
	strFileName = Server.Mappath("\noise.txt")

	' tokenise search string into array
	searchArray = split(SearchString, " ")

	' Open Noise Word File
	Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

	' use Opentextfile Method to Open the text File
	Set TS = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFileName, ForReading, Create)
	If Not TS.AtEndOfStream Then
		ReDim NoiseArray(0)
		Do While Not TS.AtendOfStream
			strLine = TS.ReadLine

			' Read words into an array
			CurRecords = uBound(NoiseArray)
			REDIM PRESERVE NoiseArray(CurRecords + 1)
			NoiseArray(ArrayPointer) = Trim(strLine)

			ArrayPointer = ArrayPointer + 1
	End If

	' for each search word, compare it with the noise list
	' then delete any noise words
	For i = 0 to UBound(searchArray)
		For j = 0 to UBound(NoiseArray)
			If lcase(searchArray(i)) = lcase(NoiseArray(j)) Then
				searchArray(i) = ""
			End If

	' make new string without noicse words
	For i = 0 to UBound(searchArray)
		CleanedString = CleanedString & searchArray(i) & " "

	' Return Clean String
	ClearNoiseWords = Trim(CleanedString)
End Function

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Note: If you want to use this code, please keep the copyright messages. This code is released under the GNU Licence and is released AS IS.

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